
How to plan a gap year for grown ups

How to plan a gap year for grown ups

It’s not just school leavers who dream of a gap year. Those of us who’ve been working for a decade or two (or more) may also long for a real break from career and commitments. It does not even need to be a year – just enough of an extended […]

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Christmas Newsletter 2022

Christmas Newsletter 2022

In this issue: Celebrating the festive season, the Aussie way Buying shares for kids: a gift that keeps giving Sustainable investing on the rise It’s December, summer is here and holidays are just around the corner. We take this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy festive season! […]

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Celebrating the festive season, the Aussie way

Celebrating the festive season, the Aussie way

If you’ve ever hosted a visitor from overseas at during the festive season you may have seen them a little bemused by the way we celebrate. It’s quite understandable as we do things a little bit differently down under. Christmas in Australia – while fundamentally a religious festival celebrating the […]

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November 2022 Newsletter

November 2022 Newsletter

In this issue: Federal Budget 2022-23: From a tax perspective How to spot and stop financial abuse Catching the kindness bug Welcome to our November newsletter. While the race that stops a nation is always a highlight of early November, on the economic front the Labor government’s first Budget, handed […]

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Catching the kindness bug

Catching the kindness bug

Australians have seen more than their share of tough times over the past few years and there are many stories of how individuals and communities responded to natural disasters and the pandemic with empathy and valuable assistance. Being kind and helping others does not have to be something that we […]

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How to spot and stop financial abuse

How to spot and stop financial abuse

Until recently, financial abuse was often kept secret, especially where it occurred within the family. Thankfully that’s changing with public awareness campaigns and help becoming more readily available. The emotional and economic damage caused by financial abuse can be far reaching and devastating. A recent Australian report calculates that in […]

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October 2022 Newsletter

October 2022 Newsletter

In this issue: Mortgage vs Super Guide to concession cards for seniors Getting the balance right in decision making It’s October and the footy finals are almost over, depending on which code you follow. In Canberra though, Treasurer Jim Chalmers is warming up for his first Budget on October 25 […]

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Getting the balance right in decision making

Getting the balance right in decision making

We all approach decision making in our own way, making a multitude of decisions every day: ‘Should I hit snooze again on the alarm?,’ ‘Do I take the train to work, or do I drive,’ ‘What should we have for dinner?’ In fact, researchers estimate that the average adult makes […]

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September 2022 Newsletter

September 2022 Newsletter

In this issue: How much super do you need to retire How is my insurance taxed Go on… take a break Welcome to our Spring newsletter. September means it’s football finals season and hopefully the beginning of warmer weather despite the recent late winter chill. In August, the focus was […]

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Go on… take a break!

Go on… take a break!

One of the things many of us have been missing over the past few years is holidays, but now that the world is opening up again for travel and destinations that have been pretty quiet are now eagerly welcoming back tourists, taking a break has never been more appealing. Holidays […]

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