Investment Strategy

Your investing style – as unique as you

Your investing style – as unique as you

As interest rates start to increase after a lengthy period of historical lows, it’s a good time to think about how your money is working for you and whether your investing style and strategy is still in line with your goals. Higher interest rates don’t just send a ripple through […]

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Buy Hold Sell: 6 cracking ASX-listed income funds – Livewire

Buy Hold Sell: 6 cracking ASX-listed income funds – Livewire

Hugh Robertson joins Livewire’s James Marlay in this special Income Series edition of Buy Hold Sell. Livewire also invited Pitcher Partners’ Charlie Viola to share his thoughts with Centaur Financial Services’ Hugh Robertson, on five cracking ASX-listed ETFs and one REIT for your income portfolio. As stated by Livewire in the […]

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Eyeing off Bitcoin? These alternatives are worth considering – The New Daily

Eyeing off Bitcoin? These alternatives are worth considering – The New Daily

Hugh Robertson spoke with Euan Black, Finance Editor from The New Daily discussing and sharing some knowledge on Bitcoin and what alternatives are worth considering when it comes to investing. Euan from The New Daily has asked the question, would people plough so much money into Bitcoin if they knew […]

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Bonds, Inflation and your investments

Bonds, Inflation and your investments

The recent sharp rise in bond rates may not be a big topic of conversation around the Sunday barbecue, but it has set pulses racing on financial markets amid talk of inflation and what that might mean for investors. US 10-year government bond yields touched 1.61 per cent in early […]

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