
October Newsletter 2023

October Newsletter 2023

The warmer weather and spring rains are a welcome break from the colder months. And, while outside activities become more tempting, don’t forget to find a moment or two to review your finances to make sure you’re up-to-date and on-track. Household wealth has increased for the third quarter in a […]

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Ignite your entrepreneurial spirit

Ignite your entrepreneurial spirit

Entrepreneurs have long been instrumental in changing the way we live and work. Just think about Thomas Edison’s inventions when you switch on a light, the contribution of Henry Ford to the motor industry as you jump behind the wheel of your car, or even the way Steve Jobs transformed […]

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When enough is never enough

When enough is never enough

How much is enough? It’s a good question. Our relationship with our finances can be a tricky one. Everyone has a different idea of how much it takes to be comfortable or even well off. Given it is something that has such a strong influence on how we live our […]

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Yours, mine & ours – estate and succession planning for modern families

Yours, mine & ours – estate and succession planning for modern families

Navigating complex family relationships and blended families can be challenging at times and particularly when a family member dies. A good estate plan can help to make sure your wishes are carried out when you die. An estate plan, of which a will is the first and most important part, […]

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September Newsletter 2023

September Newsletter 2023

September is upon us, and spring is in the air. It’s time to shake off the winter cobwebs, get out into the garden or the great outdoors. Meanwhile, AFL and NRL fans will be hoping the sun shines on their team this finals season. After endless gloomy forecasts, there was […]

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The 1% rule – tiny changes add up to a BIG difference

The 1% rule – tiny changes add up to a BIG difference

Personal transformation can be challenging. We all have habits we’d like to break and behaviours we’d like to do more of. But when we do some self-examination and think about what is involved in navigating change, it can seem overwhelming to get to where we need to be, whether that […]

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Harnessing the power of LinkedIn to build your personal brand

Harnessing the power of LinkedIn to build your personal brand

Linkedin is a powerful tool to help you establish and maintain your reputation and develop your career and business. So, if you either don’t yet have a presence on Linkedin or suspect you may not be getting the best out of the platform, we’ve got a few tips for you! […]

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July Newsletter 2023

July Newsletter 2023

Welcome to our July newsletter and, with a new financial year underway, it might be a good opportunity to review some of the recent changes to business and investment rules to make sure you’re on the right track. As the inflation rate begins to ease, with consumer inflation slowing to […]

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Making conscious the unconscious for better decisions

Making conscious the unconscious for better decisions

Making conscious the unconscious for better decisions When you’re faced with a decision, do you trust your feelings or do you look at the situation objectively, making a careful list of pros and cons? Emotions exert a strong influence on our decisions, so it’s important to have a bit of […]

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June Newsletter 2023

June Newsletter 2023

Welcome to our June newsletter, as the winter sets in and the end of the financial year approaches, it’s a good chance to spend some time tidying up and reviewing your finances. Concerns that the Reserve Bank may lift interest rates this month, along with the drama over the US […]

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