July Newsletter 2023

Welcome to our July newsletter and, with a new financial year underway, it might be a good opportunity to review some of the recent changes to business and investment rules to make sure you’re on the right track.
As the inflation rate begins to ease, with consumer inflation slowing to a 13 month low in May, many commentators expressed hope that further interest rate rises may be kept in check. That led to a slight improvement in investor outlook for stocks at the end of June The S&P/ASX 200 closed the month at about the same level as in May but, over the financial year, it’s risen more than 10%.
The CPI was up by 5.6% last month in the lowest increase since April 2022. Meanwhile the unemployment rate fell slightly to 3.6%, continuing the downward trend seen over the past 12 months. That’s led to an improvement in consumer sentiment and a 0.7% jump in retail sales in May, supported by a rise in spending on food and eating out as well as a boost in spending on discretionary goods.
The Australian dollar lost gains made during the month to close at just over US66 cents as traders speculated at the end of the month that the Reserve Bank may put a hold on interest rate rises and the US economy boomed.
Will these super changes affect you?
As our superannuation balances grow larger, it makes more sense than ever to keep track of the many rules changes that have recently happened or are coming up soon.
Managing the costs of raising children
It is a special feeling to welcome a new child or grandchild into the world and watch them grow. Sharing their joy as they reach new milestones is priceless.
Making conscious the unconscious for better decisions
When you’re faced with a decision, do you trust your feelings or do you look at the situation objectively, making a careful list of pros and cons?
As always, if you would like to discuss the contents of this newsletter please give us a call 07 5559 5760.